Matt’s Story
Empowering Young Parents

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When young dad Matt moved interstate to be with his newborn son, he had no family or support systems to help him acclimatise to his new life in Logan.
After his relationship broke down, he was still living with his ex-partner, but it was overcrowded and unsustainable, putting him at real risk of homelessness.
Matt came to YFS seeking support to find his own accommodation, as well as help finding employment and accessing the Disability Support Pension and NDIS.
He had been diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder which meant he would pass out several times a day and experienced significant memory issues and he was no longer able to continue in his existing employment.
Matt is also autistic and has OCD, however he had never had access to disability supports, and the specialist appointments he needed to obtain medical evidence were unaffordable.
Matt was connected with the YFS Step by Step young families’ program which works with young parents to build their confidence and connect them to community and supports. He worked with Georgia, a Family Resource Practitioner whose lived experience with autism was invaluable in putting him at ease and helping to navigate in a neurotypically-designed world.
Georgia says, “Matt was engaged, goal-oriented and steadfast in his approach. He never failed to attend an appointment, try new things, even if they were uncomfortable, and worked tirelessly towards his goals.”
Georgia connected Matt with the Step by Step team’s Housing Specialist, Rani. Rani assessed Matt’s housing needs and set to work finding him accommodation that suited his disability support and sensory needs, as well as his financial circumstances. Despite the housing crisis, Rani was able to help Matt find a unit that fitted his needs perfectly. As a result Matt’s mental and physical health improved greatly.
Georgia also worked alongside Matt to improve his financial wellbeing. With support from Alba, a Services Australia Community Partnership Specialist Officer located on-site at YFS, Matt was successful in qualifying for the Disability Support Pension.
In addition, he is engaged with a local disability employment service and is working towards his goal of becoming a personal trainer. Georgia is also helping him to work with the Assessment and Referral Team to access NDIS support.
Matt is now also engaging with the Step by Step Young Dads’ Squad to expand his skills, learn more about children’s development and connect with other young dads.
Matt is grateful for the support he received from YFS and says that “Georgia and Rani have changed my life.”