Have a
legal matter?
YFS Legal can assist you with advice about the legal system.

YFS operates Logan’s only community legal centre.
Since 1992, YFS Legal have been there for Logan people of all ages who would otherwise have limited access to legal services.
We specialise in criminal matters for young people and general legal advice.
What legal matters can YFS Legal help with?
- Recently separated and you don’t know where to start with the family law system?
- Has someone bumped into your car?
- Having a dispute with a neighbour about a fence or tree?
- Are you thinking about taking out a domestic violence order?
- Have you been ripped off?
- Want to know what rights you have as a renter?
- Or maybe someone owes you money.
YFS Legal might be able to assist you with advice about the legal system.
Our team of solicitors provides free one-off appointments on family, civil, and criminal law matters Monday to Friday during business hours.
There are certain areas of law we cannot assist with, such as personal injury, business matters and advice to landlords.
Make an appointment to talk to a solicitor
To talk to a solicitor, you need to make an appointment.
Call us on 3826 1599 or complete our contact YFS Legal form.
But before you do that, take a look at our legal information materials.
Please note this is general legal information only. If you require more information, please contact YFS Legal to book an appointment.
Who is eligible?
YFS Legal backs people of all ages from Logan and surrounds who require legal advice and cannot afford to hire a solicitor.

Wills and enduring power of attorney clinic
YFS Legal are partnering with Logan District Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Elders and Colin Biggers & Paisley lawyers to provide a free wills and enduring power of attorney clinic to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Call YFS Legal on 3826 1599 to book your spot or complete our contact YFS Legal form.
Places are limited.

General legal information resources
Understanding the risks of domestic violence when you’re under 18. Get the facts about the law and understand how to keep yourself and others safe.
Hitting or physically abusing an intimate partner without their consent is considered domestic violence. The law is unchanged for same-sex relationships.
Know what domestic violence is and recognise behaviours that are against the law. Find out who can apply for domestic violence orders.
Understand the legal definition of sex, the age of consent in Queensland and who can and cannot give consent.
Find out about sentencing decisions for young people. Know what cautions, reprimands, good behaviour bonds, fines and restitutions mean. Understand what supervised orders are, such as probation and community service orders.
Understand the legal side of underage drinking, noise restrictions, damage to property and public nuisances.
Know the legal aspects of parenting, living arrangements, domestic violence, divorce and related property matters.

Additional support
There are a number of organisations that might help your situation.
Click on a link below.
Click on a link below.
This centre is accredited by Community Legal Centres Australia

First Nations legal education toolkit
The YFS First Nations legal education toolkit is designed for community legal centres and other organisations to deliver community legal education. It provides advice on how to deliver community legal education to a First Nations audience.
The toolkit covers three topic areas:
- rights when interacting with police
- wills and enduring powers of attorney
- discrimination.
Each topic is accompanied by resources and materials to help facilitate sessions.

Stuff you need to know about the law podcast
The YFS Legal team has created a new podcast series: Stuff You Need to Know About the Law.
There is something in this podcast for everyone, from employment to contracts to family law. So, sit back and listen to this informative, engaging podcast telling you stuff you need to know about the law.

Reaching out to the Logan community
Organisations throughout the Logan area rely on our lawyers to deliver community education sessions about legal matters involving young people, families and more.
Select the link above to secure a lawyer to speak at your event.
Also, check out our legal information videos.
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE information video series
PARTY SAFELY information video series

YFS Legal Information - Samoan video series
O mea e tatau ona tatou nofonofo malamalama iai ae lei fa’ataua se ta’avale afi.
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O mea e tatau ona tatou nofonofo malamalama iai ae lei fa’ataua se ta’avale afi.
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