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We need your support to help jobseekers find work

So many people in Logan want to work, but find it difficult to get a job.

Some are fleeing domestic and family violence, keen to make a fresh start for their kids.

Others are like Anne, who comes from overseas and can’t access most Australian employment services or income support.

Some are young and leaving care for the first time, hoping to make it on their own.

Others have been out of the workforce for years raising children and are struggling to develop the IT skills needed for today’s job market.

The YFS Spark program offers a great lifeline, but government funding is limited and we need your support to continue.

Can you contribute to this important work?

You can make a real difference to someone getting a job.

  • $20 can top up a GoCard so a jobseeker can travel to an interview.
  • $50 can go towards mobile phone credit so a jobseeker can call potential employers.
  • $100 can help a jobseeker buy smart clothes for an interview.
  • $250 can cover the admin fee for a government-funded course, so a jobseeker can update their qualifications.
  • $500 to $1000 can help a job seeker get a forklift or heavy vehicle licence.
  • $5000 will contribute to the costs of our employment mentoring program to help people get back to work fast.

If you are an employer, we would value the chance to chat with you. Please reach out to us. We will be in touch ASAP.

Hear from Felicity

“It’s given me opportunities. It’s given me a lot of experience, so if I would like to go into retail, I’d know how to handle situations.

“At first, I thought I wasn’t going to get the job, and then I got it and I was like, wow!”

Our Spark worker quickly recognised that all Felicity needed to get into the job market was some basic skills and confidence, so she encouraged her to undertake security guard training organised by our ParentsNext team.

Felicity used the training as a springboard into regular paid employment. Now, she aims to establish her first home.

Hear from Anne

“My life has changed tremendously, from being unable to pay our bills to, day-to-day, having food on the table.

“Previously we had $50 to last a week until we got support from our family.”

With help from YFS Spark, Anne and her family – from Papua New Guinea – avoided being evicted from their home. They were unable to pay the rent after Anne’s husband lost his job at the outbreak of COVID-19. 

Just two weeks after connecting with Spark, Anne secured two jobs, in disability and aged care. Spark also backed her husband and her sister to find jobs.

Meet Vanessa, one of our Spark workers

“What drives me is that I really want to change people’s lives.

“So many people find it hard to get a job at the best of times and this tough COVID-19 job market is making things even more challenging.

“But jobs are out there. What most people need to get one is a little support.”

To call Vanessa a go getter is an understatement. With years of experience as a Job Network worker, Vanessa knows the ins and outs of helping job seekers stand out from the crowd and get jobs.

In the Logan job market, who you know is just as important as what you know. The latest Logan: City of Choice Logan Jobs Ecosystem Mapping Project showed 70 percent of all jobs in the city were filled via networks. This means you have more chance of getting a job through someone you know than by responding to a job advertisement.

Many of the people the Spark program supports don’t have contacts. Vanessa does. Her own job network is helping hundreds of Logan people find work.

If you are an employer, we would value the chance to chat with you. Please reach out to us. We will be in touch ASAP.

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