You can save money by making some simple changes to the way you use your air conditioner.
In this video, our home energy worker Rose offers some expert tips.
If you want to cool your home, select the cooling setting. Set it to 24 or 25 C. For every 1 C below, it will cost you 10% more to run.
If your air conditioner has an economy setting, use it.
Don’t use the automatic function. That churns through energy!
If you leave your air conditioning running at night, use the sleep mode.
Also, service and clean your air conditioner every year. If you are a tenant, ask your landlord to service your air conditioner each year.
If you don’t have an air conditioner and are thinking of buying one, get one with an energy efficiency rating of at least four stars.
Consider a NILS loan to buy the most energy efficient air conditioner you can afford.