YFS Chief Executive Officer Cath Bartolo has congratulated the organisation’s Social Enterprises Development Manager Tony Sharp for being one of only four nominees in the 2019 Queensland Australian of the Year Awards.
“Tony has managed our Sustation33 since its inception in January 2013 and under his watchful eye, we have turned the social enterprise into a leading light in Queensland for electronic waste, innovation and employment pathways for disadvantaged people,” Ms Bartolo said.
“In recent times, Tony has helped Substation33 make significant progress in its innovation, enhancing opportunities for people to learn skills in a supportive work-experience environment.
“On behalf of everyone at YFS, I congratulate Tony for this coveted nomination.”
Through Substation33, Tony and his YFS team offer practical volunteering, work experience and job placement opportunities for people in Logan.
The enterprise, owned by YFS, provides a safe and supported work environment and skills and experience for Work for the Dole participants, special needs youth and at-risk community members.
“Since coming on board, Tony has always showed great dedication and courage to achieve our Substation33 mission: to create employment pathways for disadvantaged jobseekers in socially and environmentally responsible ways,” Ms Bartolo said.
“What’s special is that Tony and his team have created a space for people to connect with others in a supportive work environment.
“In recognition of this, Substation33 won the 2017 Logan City Award for People with a Disability at the Breaking Barriers Opening Doors Post-School Disability Expo.”
Recent Substation33 initiatives include solar-powered charging units, which Tony and his team developed in conjunction with PowerWells, and water quality testing meters in a partnership with Griffith University.
Through the Queensland Government’s Dignity First Fund, Substation33 developed and built eight mobile phone charging units for Logan people experiencing homelessness. These are now available at places like YFS premises for use by people who are seeking support and services.
Who is YFS? YFS is a not-for-profit organisation that backs vulnerable people in the Logan and surrounding area to overcome adversity and to thrive. Since 1983, we’ve been building people’s capacity to live independently and participate in our local community through a range of initiatives and services.
For more information contact
Phone: 3826 1500
Judith Hunter [email protected] | Nathan Francis [email protected]