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May is Queensland Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month. This is a time to raise community awareness of domestic and family violence (DFV) and to send a clear message that DFV in families and homes will not be tolerated.

The theme for 2022 is ‘All of us, together’, reflecting the message that all levels of society need to take action against domestic and family violence.

YFS Client Service Manager Sarah Vuzem says domestic and family violence is worsening in Logan and the Scenic Rim and we’ve seen an escalation in the number of women seeking support from YFS’ services.

Sarah spoke to Jimboomba Times about our focus for Domestic and Family Violence Prevention month. 

She said that while YFS often works on the front line of DFV, during DFV Prevention month the organisation would be working intensely behind the scenes.

“Our main focus is strengthening our relationships with stakeholders and raising awareness through clients that access existing services.

“We will be strategically trying to build awareness within agencies that respond to domestic violence.”

Read the full story here


Picture: Joe Colbrook