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Albert & Logan News, Thursday 22 September 2016

Two ambassadors of YFS Services’ #R4Respect program were key speakers at a domestic violence conference in Adelaide this week.

Jennifer Uwineza and Andrew Taukolo were set to speak at the Prevalent and Preventable conference in Adelaide, run by the Australian Women Against Violence Alliance.

Mr Taukolo said he would share stories about young people leading change through the violence prevention initiative # R4Respect.

He said it was “about building respect and relationships and the way to build that is through young people”.

“It’s very important that we have youth snapping the domestic violence cycle, because the young people are our future,” Mr Taukolo said.

“Young people tend to say that the message sinks in when it comes from another young person.

“I think in most cultures, the issue of violence against women is unaddressed.”